
Filtertechnik: Understanding Phantom Particle Counts

The increased use of siloxane based anti-foaming agents is causing issues with laser counter technology. IMAGINE THIS: You have been filtering 150 litres of hydraulic fluid off-line with staged 5 and 1 micron filter elements at a rate of 25 litres per minute (1,500 litres per hour). You have been using a laser light-blockage method… Continue

Green Oleo S.p.A – Sustainability Report

Exclusive Interview with Green Oleo S.p.A

Exhibitor Spotlight with Anova

Anova will be showcasing the Anova Universal Tank Monitor ®that automatically connects to the best signal among all major cellular networks, thanks to its Universal SIM. Providing reliable submersible pressure measurements across fluids, petroleum products, and chemicals, the Anova UTM ® supports multiple sensors. With easy installation, a 20+ year battery, and clip-in cables, the… Continue

Exclusive Interview with Ingevity

We interviewed Mike Flute, Sales and Marketing Manager at Ingevity, we discussed the company’s long success in the industry, how they are tackling sustainability in the industry, his work at Ingevity and much more.

Kao Chemicals Europe: Exhibitor Spotlight

Our multifunctional (co)-emulsifiers enhance the hard water and emulsion stability, foam control, corrosion inhibition and cleanliness, thus are indispensable for long lifetime and high-performance metalworking and metal cleaning fluids. Establishing new concepts to enabling formulation development of more sustainable fluids by balancing high performance multifunctional additives with a special focus on the emulsifier package. The… Continue